I.Care About Coral latest news

I.Care About Coral latest news

August 7th
Maintenance Dive with MERROW Aquaneers
@ Key Dives

The MERROW Foundation joined I.CARE on a coral maintenance dive to Davis Reef where they were able to clean and protect previously outplanted corals. Not only did they perform maintenance, but they also collected and removed yellow footed snails, a natural predator of corals that I.CARE has permits to collect. The MERROW Foundation seeks to promote inclusive education about the oceans through the application of sound science with hands-on educational outreach and experiential research projects for scientists, citizen-scientists, and non-scientists alike. Thank you for helping restore our reefs!


August 16-17th
Fins in Paradise Event
@ Hawks Cay Resort

I.CARE partnered with Hawks Cay Resort to inform guests and visitors about coral restoration in the Florida Keys. The Fins in Paradise event sponsored a Jimmy Buffett tribute band and plenty of tropical rock music. Participants took their turns spinning our classic trivia wheel and performing a hands-on demo for outplanting coral. Thank you to everyone who came out and supported I.CARE at this event!

August 24th
Sponge Outplant with Force-E Dive Shop
@ Key Dives

Individuals with Force-E Dive Shop in Fort Lauderdale, FL joined I.CARE on a sponge outplant dive. These divers learned all about sponges and the importance of their restoration. Following this, they went to the reef to outplant two different species of sponge; Iotrochota birotulata, the green finger sponge, and Amphimedon compressa, the erect rope sponge. Thank you so much to the Force-E team for joining I.CARE in our efforts to restore and conserve our reefs. 

Florida Keys Reef Sponge Restoration

Ocean temperature increases have created an unsuitable habitat for planting corals. Due to this coral out-planting moratorium, I.CARE has begun to conduct sponge outplant trips. In the coming months, I.CARE will convert each Saturday outplant trip to a sponge outplant trip. Training on sponge outplant procedures will be provided to those wanting to participate in the outplants. We then go to the sponge nursery to retrieve sponges ready to transport and then transplant them on the reefs of the Florida Keys! 

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